Show information about keyrings (keyringshow) ============================================= The keyringshow command displays information about keyrings:: crash> keyringshow -h usage: keyringshow [-h] (-k KEYRING | -p PID | -a) print information about keyrings optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -k KEYRING, --keyring KEYRING print a single keyring -p PID, --pid PID print keyrings for task with pid PID -a, --all-tasks print keyrings for all tasks * `Print a single keyring (-k, --keyring)`_ * `Print keyrings for a specific task (-p, --pid)`_ * `Print keyrings for all tasks (-a, --all-tasks)`_ Print a single keyring (-k, --keyring) -------------------------------------- The "-k" option prints information about a single keyring. The argument is a pointer to a keyring structure:: crash> keyringshow -k 0xff25c6fa776a1700 usage: 23 serial: 72334391 expiry 0 uid: 0 gid: 0 perm: 0x3f030000 type: 0xffffffffb0f19280 (key_type_keyring) flags: 0x4 (KEY_FLAG_IN_QUOTA) description: _ses keys: usage: 1 serial: 805861861 expiry 0 uid: 0 gid: 0 perm: 0xb0b0000 type: 0xffffffffb0f19ac0 (key_type_user) flags: 0x4 (KEY_FLAG_IN_QUOTA) description: invocation_id Print keyrings for a specific task (-p, --pid) ---------------------------------------------- The "-p" options prints the keyrings for a specific a task. The argument is the PID of the task to be displayed:: crash> keyringshow -p 1637334 PID=1637334 CMD=sadc cred: 0xff25c6fa7d4543c0 Session Keyring --------------- usage: 23 serial: 72334391 expiry 0 uid: 0 gid: 0 perm: 0x3f030000 type: 0xffffffffb0f19280 (key_type_keyring) flags: 0x4 (KEY_FLAG_IN_QUOTA) description: _ses keys: usage: 1 serial: 805861861 expiry 0 uid: 0 gid: 0 perm: 0xb0b0000 type: 0xffffffffb0f19ac0 (key_type_user) flags: 0x4 (KEY_FLAG_IN_QUOTA) description: invocation_id Print keyrings for all tasks (-a, --all-tasks) ---------------------------------------------- The "-a" option prints the keyrings for all tasks in the system.