Getting module-specific information (modinfo)

The modinfo program provides several options to quickly extract module-specific information from the vmcores.

Options provided by 'modinfo':

crash> modinfo -h
Usage: modinfo [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Disassemble a module functions
                        Show details
  -t                    Shows tainted modules only
  -g                    Shows gaps between modules as well as phyiscally allocated sizes
  -a                    Shows address range for the module
  -u                    Shows unloaded module data if possible

 ** Execution took   0.01s (real)   0.01s (CPU)

Disassemble module functions (--disasm=MODULE)

Using the '--disasm' option, users can review the disassembly of each function provided by a module. For example, to review the disassembly of functions in the ext4 module:

crash> modinfo --disasm=ext4
---------- BEGIN disassemble ext4_unlock_group() ----------
0xffffffffc0879000 <ext4_unlock_group>:     push   %rbp
0xffffffffc0879001 <ext4_unlock_group+0x1>: mov    0x350(%rdi),%rax
0xffffffffc0879008 <ext4_unlock_group+0x8>: mov    %esi,%edi
0xffffffffc087900a <ext4_unlock_group+0xa>: and    $0x7f,%edi
0xffffffffc087900d <ext4_unlock_group+0xd>: shl    $0x6,%rdi
0xffffffffc0879011 <ext4_unlock_group+0x11>:        mov    %rsp,%rbp
0xffffffffc0879014 <ext4_unlock_group+0x14>:        add    0x180(%rax),%rdi
0xffffffffc087901b <ext4_unlock_group+0x1b>:        movb   $0x0,(%rdi)
0xffffffffc087901e <ext4_unlock_group+0x1e>:        nopl   0x0(%rax)
0xffffffffc0879022 <ext4_unlock_group+0x22>:        pop    %rbp
0xffffffffc0879023 <ext4_unlock_group+0x23>:        retq
========== END   disassemble ext4_unlock_group() ==========

---------- BEGIN disassemble num_clusters_in_group() ----------
0xffffffffc0879030 <num_clusters_in_group>: nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1) [FTRACE NOP]
0xffffffffc0879035 <num_clusters_in_group+0x5>:     push   %rbp
0xffffffffc0879036 <num_clusters_in_group+0x6>:     mov    0x350(%rdi),%rax
0xffffffffc087903d <num_clusters_in_group+0xd>:     mov    %rsp,%rbp
0xffffffffc0879040 <num_clusters_in_group+0x10>:    mov    0x40(%rax),%ecx
0xffffffffc0879043 <num_clusters_in_group+0x13>:    sub    $0x1,%ecx
0xffffffffc0879046 <num_clusters_in_group+0x16>:    mov    0x350(%rdi),%rdx
0xffffffffc087904d <num_clusters_in_group+0x1d>:    cmp    %esi,%ecx
0xffffffffc087904f <num_clusters_in_group+0x1f>:    je     0xffffffffc0879068 <num_clusters_in_group+0x38>
0xffffffffc0879051 <num_clusters_in_group+0x21>:    mov    0x50(%rdx),%ecx
0xffffffffc0879054 <num_clusters_in_group+0x24>:    mov    0x10(%rdx),%eax
0xffffffffc0879057 <num_clusters_in_group+0x27>:    pop    %rbp
0xffffffffc0879058 <num_clusters_in_group+0x28>:    lea    -0x1(%rax,%rcx,1),%eax
0xffffffffc087905c <num_clusters_in_group+0x2c>:    mov    0x54(%rdx),%ecx
0xffffffffc087905f <num_clusters_in_group+0x2f>:    shr    %cl,%eax

Show module details (--details=MODULE)

Use '--details' to get more details about the module version and the functions it provides:

crash> modinfo --details=ext4|head -20
struct module   : 0xffffffffc08ee6c0
name            : ext4
version         : None
source ver      : 3FC0F2CFC3F9938AE9C8339
init            : None (0xffffffffc090dbbd)
exit            : cleanup_module (0xffffffffc08cffc2)

.text section
0xffffffffc08cffc2 (t) ext4_exit_fs
0xffffffffc08cffc2 (T) cleanup_module
0xffffffffc08cffbc (t) ext4_chksum
0xffffffffc08cfca7 (t) ext4_mb_discard_group_preallocations
0xffffffffc08cfca1 (t) ext4_get_group_info
0xffffffffc08cfc96 (t) get_groupinfo_cache
0xffffffffc08cfc27 (t) ext4_access_path
0xffffffffc08cfbcf (t) trace_ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_fastpath
0xffffffffc08cf4c6 (t) ext4_load_journal
0xffffffffc08cf4c0 (t) ext4_chksum
0xffffffffc08cf48d (t) ext4_exit_feat_adverts
0xffffffffc08cf487 (t) ext4_chksum

The same command can be used for both inbox and third-party modules. For example, checking the details of the third-party 'involflt' module:

crash> modinfo --details=involflt|head -20
struct module   : 0xffffffffc033c340
name            : involflt
version         : Mar 25 2019 [ 01:23:58 ]
source ver      : A3554E5E155D078A71E0183
init            : crc_t10dif_pcl (0xffffffffc0350000)
exit            : cleanup_module (0xffffffffc031abcd)

.text section
0xffffffffc031abcd (t) involflt_exit
0xffffffffc031abcd (t) cleanup_module
0xffffffffc031aba1 (t) init_latency_stats
0xffffffffc031ab70 (t) end_cp_timer
0xffffffffc031ab60 (t) emd_unregister_virtual_device
0xffffffffc031ab50 (t) process_at_lun_delete
0xffffffffc031ab40 (t) process_at_lun_query
0xffffffffc031ab30 (t) process_at_lun_last_host_io_timestamp
0xffffffffc031ab20 (t) process_at_lun_last_write_vi
0xffffffffc031ab10 (t) process_at_lun_create
0xffffffffc031ab00 (t) inm_validate_fabric_vol
0xffffffffc031aaf0 (t) copy_iovec_data_to_data_pages

Show tainted modules (-t)

The '-t' option lists the third party or customised kernel modules loaded on system:

crash> modinfo -t
struct module *    MODULE_NAME                     SIZE
0xffffffffc033c340 involflt                      677188
There are 1 tainted modules

 ** Execution took   0.01s (real)   0.01s (CPU)

Show address range for the module (-a)

To view the memory address range allocated for the module, use the '-a' option:

crash> modinfo -a
struct module *    MODULE_NAME                     SIZE
0xffffffffc033c340 involflt                      677188
   addr range : 0xffffffffc02a9000 - 0xffffffffc0350000
0xffffffffc0352280 crct10dif_pclmul               14307
   addr range : 0xffffffffc0350000 - 0xffffffffc0355000
0xffffffffc0358080 scsi_tgt                       20027
   addr range : 0xffffffffc0355000 - 0xffffffffc035b000
0xffffffffc035d180 serio_raw                      13434
   addr range : 0xffffffffc035b000 - 0xffffffffc0360000
0xffffffffc03620e0 hyperv_keyboard                12787
   addr range : 0xffffffffc0360000 - 0xffffffffc0365000
0xffffffffc0370b00 floppy                         69432
   addr range : 0xffffffffc0365000 - 0xffffffffc0377000
0xffffffffc0379000 libcrc32c                      12644
   addr range : 0xffffffffc0377000 - 0xffffffffc037c000
0xffffffffc038dda0 hv_vmbus                       96657
   addr range : 0xffffffffc037e000 - 0xffffffffc0397000
0xffffffffc039a1a0 crc32c_intel                   22094
   addr range : 0xffffffffc0397000 - 0xffffffffc039e000
0xffffffffc03a9240 ata_piix                       35052
   addr range : 0xffffffffc03a2000 - 0xffffffffc03ac000
0xffffffffc03ae640 ata_generic                    12923
   addr range : 0xffffffffc03ac000 - 0xffffffffc03b1000
0xffffffffc03b7000 crct10dif_common               12595

Show gaps between modules as well as physically allocated sizes (-g)

The '-g' option displays module size, allocated size, and gap size.

The gap size is basically the difference between the module start address and the previous module's end address. For example, in the below output, the end address of the libcrc32c module is 0xffffffffc037c000 and start address of the next module (hv_vmbus) is 0xffffffffc037e000. The difference between these addresses is the gap size:

crash> modinfo -a
struct module *    MODULE_NAME                     SIZE
0xffffffffc0379000 libcrc32c                      12644
   addr range : 0xffffffffc0377000 - 0xffffffffc037c000
0xffffffffc038dda0 hv_vmbus                       96657
   addr range : 0xffffffffc037e000 - 0xffffffffc0397000

crash> pd 0xffffffffc037e000-0xffffffffc037c000
$3 = 8192

crash> modinfo -g
struct module *    MODULE_NAME                     SIZE ALLOC_SIZE    GAPSIZE
0xffffffffc033c340 involflt                      677188     684032          0
0xffffffffc0352280 crct10dif_pclmul               14307      20480          0
0xffffffffc0358080 scsi_tgt                       20027      24576          0
0xffffffffc035d180 serio_raw                      13434      20480          0
0xffffffffc03620e0 hyperv_keyboard                12787      20480          0
0xffffffffc0370b00 floppy                         69432      73728          0
0xffffffffc0379000 libcrc32c                      12644      20480          0
0xffffffffc038dda0 hv_vmbus                       96657     102400       8192       <--- GAPSIZE as calculated above
0xffffffffc039a1a0 crc32c_intel                   22094      28672          0
0xffffffffc03a9240 ata_piix                       35052      40960      16384
0xffffffffc03ae640 ata_generic                    12923      20480          0
0xffffffffc03b7000 crct10dif_common               12595      20480      16384

Show unloaded module data if possible (-u)

To view unloaded module data, use '-u':

crash> modinfo -u
struct module *    MODULE_NAME                     SIZE
0xffffffffc033c340 involflt                      677188
0xffffffffc0352280 crct10dif_pclmul               14307
0xffffffffc0358080 scsi_tgt                       20027
0xffffffffc035d180 serio_raw                      13434
0xffffffffc03620e0 hyperv_keyboard                12787
0xffffffffc0370b00 floppy                         69432